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  • College library is fully automated with an integrated library management system (ILMS).
  • Availability of Wi-Fi and fully computerized facility which helps for easy accessibility for students.
  • The separate library cards are issued to all students for issuing text books, reference books and journals.
  • Library has good number of CD/DVD collection.
  • It uses ILMS software named ‘MSPM ERP’ with full version of 2.0.
  • Separate webpage is created on the college website in wordpress format to update the happenings and new of the library regularly.
  • College purchases books periodically as per the requirement of every Dept.
  • However academic session begins principal issues notice to every Dept. and asks to provide list of books required for their Dept.

Library Navigation and Management System:

  • The library offers user orientation programs to students on the subscribed and other resources.
  • Library users’ orientation of Information literacy to new enrolled students and faculty.
No.of Books 3451
No.of Print Journals 12
No.of News Papers 10